December Meeting
– Attendees –
Lori and Dave Freed, Moe, Dan M. Phil, Mark, Jim, Cortland, Mike S. Bob. M. Gus, Mike H. Tom, Sal
Bruce, Jeff, Ron, Jon Mackie.
Meeting started 6:05pm
- Current member head count: 36
- YTD 2023-2024: 78
- YTD 2022-2023: 97
- NHSA portal to become a member.
Events this upcoming year:
- Pre-2000 Ride and Stay and Ride Away @ T&C – Pricing provided, club email
sent out, flyer passed around. Date: 1/25-1/26 - NHSA Raffle Tickets: hoping to return a second full purchased booklet.
- Antique Ride: 2/22 OR 3/1 – Cortland will reach out to Twin Barns to ask if they have a date preference. Club would prefer 2/22. Cortland will reach out to Wicked Tasty to see if they are available again.
Landowner permission and reach out: Discussed being better at landowner permission slips, reaching
out to landowners more frequency on a annual or biannual basis. Provided examples of what state
provides for liability information, permissions slips. Mike S offered to assist in printing these. Cortland will
reach out to Brian Swanker to receive an updated contact list. Mike H and Cortland will review what
zones, what landowners need to be contacted.
– Tom Accepts, Mark Second.
- Not a lot going on.
- New chainsaw was purchased before last meeting.
- Jon and Jim will plan to meet w/ bank about high yield savings account.
- Jon bank signor -need to link up Jim @ bank to place Jim on account.
- New Meredith Center Bridge items purchased – Mike H will email Cortland and Jon the receipts, Jon will
cut a check to Mike.- Cortland Accepts, Chad Second
- New chainsaw purchased by the club Rancher 55 last meeting Tuesday, December 10, 2024
- Trail maintenance: big project completed recently – bridge in Meredith Center with new reroute. Great
work! DTE has been providing chips, Bruce and Mike will be spreading. - Railroad trestle bridge, Bruce receives the go ahead and will contact club. Thinking January. Phil took
a look at the materials, everything is still on site. - Ball field has been signed, Dolloffs, and Holmes property signed. A few signs need to be done at road
crossings and new bridge. - Phil inquiring about sign orders; Sign order done in April -order given to Brian.
- Bruce still trying to speak to new owners of campground. Bruce and Mike H have diligently attempted
to touch base with anyone down there. - Tracking system for groomer – Club voted YES on moving forward with tracking system. $25 a month,
for the 4 months on average used $100.00. Bob Mahoney kindly offered to donate $100 to this
project. No cost for physical tracker. App cost for the user (snowmobiler); funds split 50/50 with the
club and app designer. - Lost trail connection on Waukewan to rail via association. Discussed the lake access from Waukewan
Beach; need ramps to put down hill from Waukewan beach. Usually limited snow and one large rock.
Jim has been working with contact in the Winona Shores association. Club will be able to access this,
this winter, Jim believes. Will re-confirm January meeting.- Cortland Accepts Mike Seconds
- Jim hoping to work on groomer at Jerry’s. Dave Freed offered assistance.
- Cortland Accepts; Bruce Seconds.
Meeting adjourned 6:50pm
Next meeting 6pm Tuesday January 14th
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