The Meredith Sno-Streakers Meeting Minutes  

November Meeting 

Attendees – Jim, Cortland, Mike H, EriK N, Jess R, Moe B, Chad p, Brian s, phil B, Dan, Dave freed, Lori  Freed, Bob H, Bob M, Ron H. Mark L, Tom R, Jon M

Meeting started 6:04pm


Current member head count: 22

  • YTD 2023-2024: 54
  • NHSA portal to become a member.
  • Events this upcoming year: Pre-2000 Ride and Stay and Ride Away @ T&C – awaiting pricing for the Stay  & Ride Away trip. Current Date: 1/25-1/26
  • NHSA Raffle Tickets: almost sold 3 booklets.

Erik Accepts, Mike Second.


  • Not a lot going on
  • New chainsaw purchased
  • Jon and Jim will plan to meet w/ bank about high yield savings account.
  • Jon bank signor -need to link up Jim @ bank to place Jim on account.
  • Brian; Club can setup ACH w/State of NH
  • Jon; questioning deposit in July, Cortland confirmed transaction from NHSA memberships, check was  lost in mail to Snostreakers, recvd check later than normal.

 Cortland Accepts, Chad Second




  •  New chainsaw purchased by the club Rancher 55
  • Trail maintenance: moving on to signing; 2 more weekends of signing left.
  • Meredith Center trail-not going to be open; the new re-route would need equipment work, possible  bridge.
  • Some quick cutting and weedwacking on trail from Monkey pond up to route 1O4 is needed.  – Thanksgiving time frame -trestle bridge, Bruce receives the go ahead and will contact club.
  • Jeff Duran; route 104, behind ball field, towards center harbor -brush hogging.  – Since Oct meeting area fixed on 300 towards Hatch Corner Rd.
  • Phil inquiring about sign orders;Sign order done in April -order given to Brian.
  • Section of trail -Joe Santtuci request we cut lower to ground and square. Mike hayward going to take  a ride down.
  • Ballfield fencing can be done now.
  • Bruce was going to speak to new owners of campground.
  • Chase Rd-may need a new route-arbutis hill, back of Lake Wicwas. This is due to logging occurring.  Erik/Phil going to discuss/look at.
  • Tracking system for groomer – updates position of groomer. Tom will bring info for app/system for next  meeting so club can vote on moving forward.
  • Lost trail connection on Waukewan to rail via association. Discussed the lake access from Waukewan  Beach; need ramps to put down hill from Waukewan beach. Usually limited snow and one large rock.
  • Jim suggested spending some time in groomer in winter to build a snow ramp from the snow in the  parking lot.
  • Next Trail Maintenance: Email blast Sat. 8am trail maintenance, Pickeral pond trail – Corrugated signs- Cortland to drop off at Phils shop
  • Twin barns trail -Jeff Duran will brush hog
  • Cortland Accepts Jon Seconds


  • Jim Inquired about club ride dates: Club T&C Trip: 1/25 -1/26 -price needed-Cortland will check in  with Scott Labnon, owner of the T&C.
  • Jess Rando volunteered to take over swag. Cortland will provide Jess with current club items.  – Cortand Accepts; Chad Seconds.
  • Meeting adjourned 7:00pm
  • Next meeting 6pm Tuesday December 10th
  • Hermit woods was suggested, many discussing Frog rock again.